C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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Assembly Source File
127 lines
; iofun.asm
; Copyright (C) 1980, M J Maney
; First created 8/30/80
; Last revised 9/26/80 15:25
; Tested and installed xx/xx/xx
; Since I/O is such a big part of most programs, it would seem logical
; to desire your I/O functions to be as efficent as possible. This
; especially applies to the buffered character I/O that C uses for
; disk communication. These routines can dominate the run-time of
; programs that don't do extensive computation, and may affect the
; speed of some that are rather heavily computational. Thus they are
; being coded here in assembler.
;* I have removed the 'overlapping' code reffered to in read.me,
;* but this is still entirely untested. You have been warned.
maclib crl
; getc(iobuf)
; FILBUF *iobuf;
; This is the basic C character I/O function. It returns one byte from
; the buffered file described by the FILBUF that iobuf points to,
; and takes care of the buffer management. The structure of the
; file buffer is:
; byte offset what's there
; 0,1 file's 'file descriptor', used in calls
; to read, etc
; 2,3 nleft, the number of bytes left before
; the buffer is depleted and must be filled
; 4,5 nextp, the pointer into the buffer
; 6,133 buff, the 128 byte buffer
; This function is operationally identical to the C version in the
; "stdlib1.c" file distributed with the 1.32 release of the BDS
; compiler, and except for a little re-arrangement at the very end,
; it is a straight hand translation from that source.
lhld ARG1
mov a,h
ora l
BNZ getc1 ;if (iobuf == 0)
ret ; return getchar();
getc1 inx h
inx h
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
push d
dcx d
mov m,d
dcx h
mov m,e
pop d
mov a,d
ora e
BZ getc2 ;if (iobuf->nleft-- .NE. 0)
inx h
inx h
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
push d
inx d
mov m,d
dcx h
mov m,e
pop h
mov l,m
mvi h,0
ret ; return *iobuf->nleft--;
getc2 dcx h
mov d,m
dcx h
mov e,m
push h
shld ARG1
pop h
push h
lxi d,6
dad d
shld ARG2
lxi h,1
shld ARG3
mov a,h
ora a
BM getc3
ora l
BNZ getc4 ;if (read(iobuf->fd,iobuf->buff,1) <= 0)
getc3 pop h
lxi h,-1
ret ; return ERR;
getc4 pop h
inx h
inx h
lxi d,127
mov m,e
inx h
mov m,d ;iobuf->nleft = 127;
inx h
inx h
inx h
mov d,h
mov e,l
mov a,m ;a = *iobuf->buff;
inx d
dcx h
mov m,d
dcx h
mov m,e ;iobuf->nextp = iobuf->buff - 1;
mov l,a
mvi h,0
ret ;return a;